Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wien and Pruckel

Our stalwart adventurer and his faithful flame are in Wien (Vienna for short) for a few days of relaxing, following a stressful week of holiday lollygagging and dilly-dallying.

Stay tuned for the cake report. On the list of required eats, the Sacher Torte, of course. So far, we've eaten chinese (at a restaurant called Yellow), and Langos (fried bread hungarian-style) at the fair-grounds. Health is still at the top of our list of priorities.


  1. Destroying your health, you mean?

    That said, according to Austrian courts, the cake from the Sacher hotel is the real sacher torte, whereas the cake from the Bristol hotel is the authentic sacher torte. (Not joking).

    Which one are you going to try?

    Are you going to have a sacher torte sent to Paris for me? Thanks.

    Also: You've missespeled it, it's not Wien, it's Wiener.

  2. Hi, Just been catching up on your adventures. Ash cancelled my planned mission to Sibiu, would have been great. You are probably out of Vienna by now but I greatly enjoyed the Secession, the Schönbrunn garden. Did not make it to the Dürer hare because Bush happened to be in town on my day in Vienna and Laura got to go to the museum which was consequently closed to all other mortals. There was an incredible group of musicians from Mongolia on one of the streets. Sacher torte (from the Sacher Hotel) to me is very overrated but there are a lot of other great edibles. Mittel Europa food must be in my genes.
    Stay well,
