Sunday, March 14, 2010

Living it up in Romania


Schnapps (aka Palinka, aka Tuica) for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And after dinner. And before bed-time.

Along with loads of delicious farm-grown home-made food. Good think I'm only staying a week-end! It's great seeing the family.

Oh, and of course the palinka is only to fight the budding cold I'm getting (and that half my family already has).

Seriously, it's against the cold. I don't know the rest of the country, but hot-damn it's great over on this end!


  1. "It's against the cold" my ass. That's the same thing the Russians say. Cut it, no one believes you. And you know it only increases your chances freezing.

    Just look at you. Let me quote the WHO site:
    Indicator Value (year)
    Per capita recorded alcohol consumption (litres of pure alcohol) among adults (>=15 years) ? 9.7 (2003)

    9.7 liters of pure alchol per person and per year.

    Almost on par with the Russians, who go through 10.3 a year. Ok? So don't give me lies. "It's for the cold".

    (that said, maybe I should shut my job very firmly: In Spain, the figure is 11.7, and we don't even have that lame excuse of "it's cold".)

  2. lol, in Spain it's against the heat - and it's girly drinks like wine and coke, not good healthy morning palinka.

    I admit, it's not ALWAYS against the cold. On the other hand, it does sanitize the hell out of your gullet.
