Thursday, October 22, 2009

A good sim with text!

Huzzah!  And on with the conference!

... and thank goodness for internet access during breaks :)


  1. i liiiiiike !

    where did that happen ? shall i understand that you got work in Budapest ?


  2. I have internet access in the very booth man. How cool is that?

    But I was sure you would do a great sim with text.

    By the way, I hate you. You are getting more jobs than I am. :)

    Rock on, man!

  3. Hi Em! No, this time I was working in Stockholm. Far as Budapest is concerned, who the heck knows anymore? For the moment, I'll stick with probably.

    And Pabs! Yes, I actually have internet access in the booth. I just didn't want to look like I was slacking off blogging instead of being a responsible interpreter. Ya get me ;) ?
