Saturday, August 29, 2009

What does it all mean?

"[There's the] bad attitude and burly chest. But it's not just pecs and scruff that endears [him] ... it's all about something strange and unusual happening to you at puberty that ostracizes you from your friends. Then you find a close network of like-minded people who create a safe haven where you can be yourself and exercise your special powers."

This quote can refer to:

a) Twighlight
b) Wolverine/the X-men/heroic comic books in general
c) Me and this blog
d) The Terminator franchise
e) open to suggestions (in the comments, if you please)

Hint: you know the people who say it's always C? They're wrong.


  1. f) Homosexuality
    g) Extremist ideologies
    h) Law studies

  2. I hope you didn't mean "Twilight". The teeny boppers might come hunt you down for your faux pas. Hahaha!

  3. Hah, I did mean Twilight. Let those neo-goth, proto-vampire teeny boppers come! Bring'em ON! And honestly, isn't it accurate? Isn't it? (I don't know, I haven't seen any of the movies, just some pics/previews).

  4. Twilight is not about vampires, it is about creatures who look like vampires, who might sound/smell/taste like vampires but who don't have any actual vampire characteristic (and therefore would like, at least, to hate sunlight and fresh flesh running around, wait for a real vampire to come and watch the two-holes-necked-sweeties begging for blood)

    Back to your post: I don't have the faintest idea
