Saturday, August 29, 2009

Beer, wine and spirits

I want to put this out there now. I am not a wine snob. The world is richer for the fantastic wealth of beers and ales, as well as stronger spirits, that are out there.

A good frothy pint helps a tired soul beer the burdens of life.

A crisp glass of red can let you unwind (un-wine-d).

A smooth shot of the strong stuff can raise the weariest spirits - and put some hair on your chest (and hairy chests are coming back into fashion, lads, so get to it!)

I don't think I'm terribly clever - I haven't had enough to drink yet. But I'm working on it.

1 comment:

  1. Vodka representative ! (hairy chests, fashion ? I have skipped fashion lessons for the last 23 minus 4 months years)
