Friday, November 20, 2009

Calling the Moderate Majority

We're out there.  And yes, we ARE moderate (and not just in Canada!)

And we are REASONABLY moral, as well as Morally reasonable.

The concept of the so-called moral majority is an utter distortion.  The vast majority of people are both moral, and reasonable.  Without sharing in the brainwashing and hogwashing of bible-thumping, bombastic windbags.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

From Poland with ser (polish for cheese)

What a lovely country.  And the food!  Well, I seem to say that everywhere.  Though I always mean it, and I DO know good food.  This time I had a special treat though.  I was the president's neighbour!  Me!  Imagine!  No, seriously, check out the pics.  To the right, my hotel.  The big palace-looking building in the background.  Note the short white building beneath it...

Which is a wing of the presidential palace!  Though, to be fair, I didn't much care for the neighbours.  The area's really nice though!  And check out a few more pics after the jump!

Monday, November 16, 2009

From Warsaw's Primrose Meridian Hotel

Which, I have to say, is up there as far as the fanciest places I've stayed at goes.  Of course, it's all small potatoes compared to hotles that exist out there, but still!  The best part?  It's reasonably priced, and is the most practical place for me to stay short of the conference site itself (which was fully booked).

For the first time in my short stint as an interpreter, this hotel offers bathrobes!  BATHROBES!  I know, I know, it's not that big a deal, but it's comfy.

More on this misty city later!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Of latvians and jewish grandpas

Such very funny and scientific!.. Ya?
As heard from a wizened latvian gentleman at a conference a few weeks back.  He had such an adorable accent, I wanted to adopt him!  I guess the stereotypical eastern european accent is a generational thing.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sleeping in other people's beds

... a how-to guide.

It seems like over the last month or two, I haven't slept in the same bed for more than a week in a row, if that.  It's required some adjusting.  Now before you gutter-minded people jump to tawdry conclusions, let me state for the record:  while it's true these beds were not mine, neither were they currently occupied by anyone else.  So there.